Practice makes progress. You can aspire to perfect, possibly, but only if this aspiration does not leave you feeling like you are eternally falling short. Self esteem and self confidence come from doing esteemable things. Doing those things that you would admire yourself for if you were to do them regularly, if they were part of your identity. What could those things be? Having plants that live because you are able to take care of them. Pets that thrive and are happy. Calling people back. Not gossiping. Saying no when you want to say no. Asking for what you need. Asking for a raise. Being a hard worker. These are only a few. Some are big and long term – like having a pet, and some involve less steps, but not necessarily less intense – like calling someone back.
The other aspect to this is that you may be very successful in one area of your life – you may be very successful on your job; or successful as a parent or very outgoing. Sometimes people hang their hat on their strengths and avoid looking at their limitations. Part of becoming well rounded – emotionally, physically and spiritually fulfilled – you need to look at the aspects of yourself that are not working for you.
Working on improving some aspect of yourself does not take away your successes or your strengths. In fact, often times, your strengths are usually the source of your weakness when in a different context. Take a look at your strengths and your limitations. No matter what you may be thinking, you do have both. Are you feeling emotionally, physically, and spiritually satisfied with what you are doing?