Emotional and Spiritual Hoarding

June 4, 2016 0 Comments 10 tags

Emotional and Spiritual Hoarding (deleted non-working link to video : John Lennon ‘Just Like Starting Over’) While thinking about what to write about, I wanted to explore the idea of

A Shaman in Kansas

April 23, 2015 0 Comments 11 tags

What would Dorothy have done following her return from the land of Oz? She got back home by clicking her heels three times and repeating a mantra to herself: ‘there’s

Throat Chakra

October 13, 2014 0 Comments 21 tags

“Chakra five is the center related to communication through sound, vibration, self-expression, and creativity. It is the realm of consciousness that controls, creates, transmits, and receives communication, both within ourselves

It’s Inevitable – How to Save the World

January 23, 2014 0 Comments 14 tags

I am requesting that everybody reading this post set aside 1 minute each day to contemplate on healing the world / the universe. I have my alarm set to go

You Spot It, You Got It

January 21, 2014 0 Comments 13 tags

One indirect way that fears rear their ugly head is to take the form of projection – we believe others are feeling something that we in fact are feeling, but

Sacral Chakra

December 8, 2013 0 Comments 21 tags

As we work our way up the chakras, it is important to remember that energy flows downwards as well as upwards. All chakras are active and influence each other both

creating a sacred space

November 29, 2013 0 Comments 10 tags

In order to begin the practice of meditation one needs to create a sacred space. Sacred spaces are not just meant to be in cathedrals, churches or other special locations.

When working on yourself doesn’t feel like you’re working on yourself

November 9, 2013 0 Comments 21 tags

When you’re in pain and life is hard; when your self esteem is at its low point and you are struggling. As you work on your issues, you work through

What is meditation and why should I do it?

November 7, 2013 0 Comments 6 tags

Everybody talks about meditation, but I’m not really sure what the benefit is. I sit down, can’t sit down cross-legged like they show in the pictures; and then I try

Have a hard time meditating? Try Alternate Nostril Breathing

November 4, 2013 0 Comments 4 tags

Alternate Nostril Breathing is a simple, yet powerful, technique for centering and grounding yourself. You breathe in one nostril and breathe out the other 10 times and then switch nostrils.