Third Chakra – Solar Plexus
As we move from first and second to third chakra, we move from passive elements of earth – influenced by gravity; and water, going down the path of least resistance,
As we move from first and second to third chakra, we move from passive elements of earth – influenced by gravity; and water, going down the path of least resistance,
As we work our way up the chakras, it is important to remember that energy flows downwards as well as upwards. All chakras are active and influence each other both
In order to begin the practice of meditation one needs to create a sacred space. Sacred spaces are not just meant to be in cathedrals, churches or other special locations.
When you’re in pain and life is hard; when your self esteem is at its low point and you are struggling. As you work on your issues, you work through
Everybody talks about meditation, but I’m not really sure what the benefit is. I sit down, can’t sit down cross-legged like they show in the pictures; and then I try
Alternate Nostril Breathing is a simple, yet powerful, technique for centering and grounding yourself. You breathe in one nostril and breathe out the other 10 times and then switch nostrils.
Please watch this video before reading the rest of this post. Do you often wonder what someone else’s ‘angle’ is, finding it difficult during a conversation to take things at
A while back, the church I attend announced that it planned on raising 1.5 million dollars through it’s parishioners in order to give the church a makeover. My spouse immediately
Click on the top left corner of the image to hear the sound for that image. These short Vine videos help you focus on individual sounds that may go unnoticed
The Stages of Change is a ‘transtheoretical model of behavior change’ that discusses the steps a person goes through before making a change. There are 5 stages in this model: